1 The first step is to register on our toplist here
- 2
While registering your server remember to enter your website's callback url
- 3
Now everytime a user votes on our website, we will send a
response directly to your server to notify you of this.
- 4
response will be "username". So in your script be sure to check for "username"
- 5
Below you can see an example of how your code should look like
if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != "callback.rspstoplist.com") {
//Response if not from RSPS Toplist
$username = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]{1,64}/','',trim($_POST['username']));
if(empty($_POST["username"])) {
//Return as the user is not valid
} else {
$username = mysql_escape_string($username);
//$username is the player that has successfully voted
//Now you can start adding the MySQL code to add this to your database